WorkZen: Mental Health in Workplace

It is a project that aims to provide employees with a effective stress management tool to prevent burnouts and maintain good mental health using emerging Mixed Reality technology.

Project Type

Collaborator with VeeR Beijing




UX Designer, Visual Designer, Prototyper


Figma, Blender, Unity


Problem & Solution



Desktop Research

Literature Review

Research has shown that the use of immersive technology is very effective in coping with stress and anxiety, particularly in a stressed workplace environment.

Going through many related literature, I conclude four main benefits of using Mixed Reality (MR) technology in supporting employees mental health.

Desktop Research

Competitive Analysis

There are not a lot of similar products on the market. I choose four representational competitor to compare the products across 7 different feature.

Therefore, it will benefit the users if we provide an immersive experience that is easy to access, affordable, and can be customized to fit individual mental health needs.

User Interview

Observation and Interview

I conducted observations and interviews with 5 company employees and Ph.D. students with workplace stress experience. Through the observed user journey map, I dove deeper to understand their pain points, needs, and design opportunities. Here is one sample Journey Map

User Interview


How might we utilize immersive technology to provide employees with a stress management solution that aligns with their busy schedules, is tailored to their individual needs, and is flexible for customization?

How might we provide employees with an effective stress management tool to prevent burnout and maintain good mental health?

How might we provide employees with an effective stress management tool to prevent burnout and maintain good mental health?

Ideation and Design

Brainstorming Use Case

Our targeted users include employees in high-stress environments, such as corporate offices, academia, and healthcare facilities. Particular focus on those with limited time for traditional stress management practices.

Ideation and Design

User Flow

The chart shows the user flow for both first-time users and returning users. New users will have "an onboarding questionnaire" and "a sample session." Returning users will start their working day with "an everyday onboarding" experience, have flexible "stress recovery" sessions in between their work tasks, and close their day with "an everyday debriefing" experience.

Ideation and Design

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

Here are some sample sketches made when I was brainstorming the design.

Ideation and Design

Core Experience 1: Everyday Onboarding

The user starts with a brief MR session that assesses their stress levels through smart wearable devices which will send data to the headset. Based on the stress value and the starting time of the first scheduled task of the day, user will be prompted to do a relaxing activity.

Sample views

Ideation and Design

Core Experience 2: Collect and Display Plants

Each activity the user completes will be rewarded with a virtual plant. As the user progresses, their plant grows and evolves, visually representing their stress management journey. Users can interact with the plant, collecting and displaying them to decorate the working environment.

Key Screens

Ideation and Design

Core Experience 3: Immersive Garden

Users also have the option to fully immerse themselves in a virtual garden.

Ideation and Design

Core Experience 4: Everyday Debriefing

Users also have the option to fully immerse themselves in a virtual garden.


Protyping in Unity

After the first round of low-fidelity user testing using Figma, I started to develop the interactions in Unity for future user testing and iterations.

Here is the demo of everyday onboarding and collecting the plant.

Here the fully-immersive virtual garden.

There will be more to come…

Electric vehicles route planning

Retranslation of ancient time-keeping system