TimeWise: Retranslation of ancient time keeping system

It is a project that aims to challenge the modern perception of time, helping users to reconnect with nature, time, and cultural heritage.

Project Type

BFA Thesis Project - Individual






Problem & Solution

Problem: Contemporary timekeeping tools enforce a standardized perception of time, distancing individuals from the natural and cultural dimensions of timekeeping.

Solution: By developing a mobile application that simulates ancient Egyptian and Chinese timekeeping methods, the project offers a way to rekindle a connection with traditional and natural timekeeping practices.

Core Experience

Onboarding Screen

An onboarding experience that introduces my app to users. It briefly introduces the five ancient timekeeping systems included in the app, which are sky-watching, sun clock, star clock, water clock, and sand clock.

Core Experience

Select an Alternative Clock as You Wish

The home screen has distinct day and night modes. In daytime mode, the star clock is disabled as it's not valid at that period. Come nighttime, the star clock becomes accessible but the sun clock are deactivated.

Core Experience

Use ancient wisdom to measure time

The following screens illustrate both the initiation of each timekeeper and its progression after one hour.

Core Experience

Set Alarms

Another important function is the alarm. Both Ancient Egyptians and Chinese have their own daily schedule because of religion, governance, and lifestyle. Incorporating these unique moments in a day can really remind modern people of the way Egyptians and Chinese lived with their time system in the past.

Let's go through the whole project process now.

Research Ideation


I am always interested in time, an enigmatic concept that plays a crucial role in coordinating our lives, bringing in convenience but also constraint at the same time. So where should the balance be? Exploring the relationship between time and humans, both historically and in the present day, and I would like to know how we can have more flexibility with time.

Research Ideation

Nature v.s Time

The first finding is that for most of human history, the Earth was the clock, and every small interval within the unit of "days" was man-made to better control lives. Therefore, why do we forget entirely natural time and let standardized time regulate everything in our lives?

Hence, I proposed a function for users to switch between standardized time and natural time. In natural mode, users get a time prompt based on natural phenomena, such as sunrise and sunset, for less time-sensitive events. 

Research Ideation

Human v.s Time

I also looked into time perception, and discovered that everyone has a Circadian timing, a natural biological process that regulates the timing of many physiological and behavioral functions in humans. The Circadian timing could slightly vary for every individual, therefore human's body is a clock itself, and it is not fixed.

To better understand how circadian cycle regulate people's lives, I designed an interactive infographic that introduces different systems in our body which follow a circadian cycle. It juxtaposes the Chinese medicine clock, the hormone variation, and body condition changes throughout the day. Users can compare their own schedule with it to find a healthier lifestyle. 

Research Ideation

Time Systems of Ancient Civilizations

Inspired by previous experiments, I started to research the different time systems of different ancient civilizations where nature, humans, and time shared a close relationship.

I decided to focus on timekeeping systems in ancient Egypt and China, the two civilizations with the most historical records. 

To better visualize these historical records and look for deeper insights, I organized all the findings into an interactive timeline. All timekeeping devices that have a historical record are organized chronologically and divided into two civilizations. It is also divided into day and night in each culture.

There are indicators for whether the time system is seasonal or fixed. Seasonal timing means that the length of each smaller unit of a day varies through seasons because it is usually based on the time of sunset and sunrise. Fixed systems, on the other hand, indicate the unchanged length of time units.

This interactive infographic also provides an image view and label view which users can switch to see the picture of these devices and the name, origin, and the basic time unit of this system. Viewers can also zoom in to view the day or night section separately. Each circle is also clickable to view the detailed introduction. (Maybe a slide about connections and talk about how these connect to each other).

Each circle is also clickable to view the detailed introduction.

Solution Development

Designing Main Functions

Solution Development


Solution Development

Be Educational

 Users always have access to the introduction of the ancient timekeeping everywhere in the app,

Solution Development

Be Fun: ‘Not Available' Alerts

This app will disable specific clocks based on the weather conditions to give users a realistic experience and fun using ancient time-keeping devices.

Solution Development

Become a New Lifestyle

These timepieces can also transform into screensavers for users' digital devices, proposing the chance for individuals to genuinely integrate these fun, natural, and flexible historical timing methods into their lifes.


Why does this solution work?

My thesis aims to introduce the possibility of applying ancient Egyptian and Chinese timekeeping systems in modern society. Although current timekeeping tools describe time rigidly and universally, nature had been the clock for most of human history. This project would like to bring people a bit of freedom when they explore how the ancients measured time and how different time systems led to differences in human time perception.

All in all, this mobile app aim to provide an opportunity for those feeling constrained by the standard 24/7 time system to explore new ways of experiencing time and for those fascinated by the mysteries of time to discover novel perspectives.


Problem & Solution

Problem: Contemporary timekeeping tools enforce a standardized perception of time, distancing individuals from the natural and cultural dimensions of timekeeping.

Solution: By developing a mobile application that simulates ancient Egyptian and Chinese timekeeping methods, the project offers a way to rekindle a connection with traditional and natural timekeeping practices.

Core Experience

Onboarding Screen

An onboarding experience that introduces my app to users. It briefly introduces the five ancient timekeeping systems included in the app, which are sky-watching, sun clock, star clock, water clock, and sand clock.

Core Experience

Select an Alternative Clock as You Wish

The home screen has distinct day and night modes. In daytime mode, the star clock is disabled as it's not valid at that period. Come nighttime, the star clock becomes accessible but the sun clock are deactivated.

Core Experience

Use ancient wisdom to measure time

The following screens illustrate both the initiation of each timekeeper and its progression after one hour.

Core Experience

Set Alarms

Another important function is the alarm. Both Ancient Egyptians and Chinese have their own daily schedule because of religion, governance, and lifestyle. Incorporating these unique moments in a day can really remind modern people of the way Egyptians and Chinese lived with their time system in the past.

Let's go through the whole project process now.

Research Ideation


I am always interested in time, an enigmatic concept that plays a crucial role in coordinating our lives, bringing in convenience but also constraint at the same time. So where should the balance be? Exploring the relationship between time and humans, both historically and in the present day, and I would like to know how we can have more flexibility with time.

Research Ideation

Nature v.s Time

The first finding is that for most of human history, the Earth was the clock, and every small interval within the unit of "days" was man-made to better control lives. Therefore, why do we forget entirely natural time and let standardized time regulate everything in our lives?

Hence, I proposed a function for users to switch between standardized time and natural time. In natural mode, users get a time prompt based on natural phenomena, such as sunrise and sunset, for less time-sensitive events. 

Research Ideation

Human v.s Time

I also looked into time perception, and discovered that everyone has a Circadian timing, a natural biological process that regulates the timing of many physiological and behavioral functions in humans. The Circadian timing could slightly vary for every individual, therefore human's body is a clock itself, and it is not fixed.

To better understand how circadian cycle regulate people's lives, I designed an interactive infographic that introduces different systems in our body which follow a circadian cycle. It juxtaposes the Chinese medicine clock, the hormone variation, and body condition changes throughout the day. Users can compare their own schedule with it to find a healthier lifestyle. 

Research Ideation

Time Systems of Ancient Civilizations

Inspired by previous experiments, I started to research the different time systems of different ancient civilizations where nature, humans, and time shared a close relationship.

I decided to focus on timekeeping systems in ancient Egypt and China, the two civilizations with the most historical records. 

To better visualize these historical records and look for deeper insights, I organized all the findings into an interactive timeline. All timekeeping devices that have a historical record are organized chronologically and divided into two civilizations. It is also divided into day and night in each culture.

There are indicators for whether the time system is seasonal or fixed. Seasonal timing means that the length of each smaller unit of a day varies through seasons because it is usually based on the time of sunset and sunrise. Fixed systems, on the other hand, indicate the unchanged length of time units.

This interactive infographic also provides an image view and label view which users can switch to see the picture of these devices and the name, origin, and the basic time unit of this system. Viewers can also zoom in to view the day or night section separately. Each circle is also clickable to view the detailed introduction. (Maybe a slide about connections and talk about how these connect to each other).

Each circle is also clickable to view the detailed introduction.

Solution Development

Designing Main Functions

Solution Development


Solution Development

Be Educational

 Users always have access to the introduction of the ancient timekeeping everywhere in the app,

Solution Development

Be Fun: ‘Not Available' Alerts

This app will disable specific clocks based on the weather conditions to give users a realistic experience and fun using ancient time-keeping devices.

Solution Development

Become a New Lifestyle

These timepieces can also transform into screensavers for users' digital devices, proposing the chance for individuals to genuinely integrate these fun, natural, and flexible historical timing methods into their lifes.


Why does this solution work?

My thesis aims to introduce the possibility of applying ancient Egyptian and Chinese timekeeping systems in modern society. Although current timekeeping tools describe time rigidly and universally, nature had been the clock for most of human history. This project would like to bring people a bit of freedom when they explore how the ancients measured time and how different time systems led to differences in human time perception.

All in all, this mobile app aim to provide an opportunity for those feeling constrained by the standard 24/7 time system to explore new ways of experiencing time and for those fascinated by the mysteries of time to discover novel perspectives.

Mental Health at Workplace